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Trade Unions in Saint Lucia first emerged in the 1930s in response to the poor social and economic situation faced by the majority of the population. During that time, workers throughout the English Caribbean were agitating for pay increases, better working conditions, adult suffrage, social service reform, self-government, and better housing conditions.

Throughout many years, there were various attempts at building solidarity among the trade unions on island but there was limited success forming an umbrella organization that would help achieve that objective. During the 1980s a grouping called the Industrial Solidarity Pact ISP was formed and included the National Workers' Union (NWU), the St. Lucia Civil Service

Association (CSA) and the St. Lucia Teachers' Union (SLTU). During that same period another grouping known as the Committee of Trade Unions was formed comprising the members of the ISP and some other unions operating on island.

In 2004 the need to have a national trade union umbrella organization (Trade Union Center) found favour with the leadership of most of the trade union leaders on island. Work began among them to ensure that a solid and lasting organization was formed. Several meetings were held between 2004 and 2005 to determine matters of the name, objectives, structure and operations of the St. Lucia Trade Union Federation (TUF).The TUF held its first Conference in

2005 as a Federation of unions. It was in 2006 duly registered under the Registration, Status and

Recognition of Trade Unions and Employers Organization Act No.42 of 1999.

To date the Federation’s membership comprises of both public and private sector unions namely:

Saint Lucia Civil Service Association, Saint Lucia Correctional Welfare Association,

Saint Lucia Fire Service Welfare Association, Saint Lucia Medical and Dental Association,

Saint Lucia Nurses Association, St. Lucia Ports Polices Association, Saint Lucia Seamen, Waterfront and General Workers Union, Saint Lucia Teachers’ Union and Vieux Fort and Docks Workers Union.

This umbrella organization’s main goal is to harmonize and strengthen the work of trade. unions in St. Lucia.

The TUF has the following main objectives:

(a) Promote the ideals of Trade Unionism in Saint Lucia.

(b) Strengthen Trade Unions in St Lucia

(c) Provide technical assistance to member organizations in respect of their efforts to protect the rights and privileges of their members.

(d) Serve as a central agency for coordinating activities and discussions on issues of common interest with Government institutions and other organizations.

(e) Carry out Research and disseminate information to members.

(f) Serve as a central or coordinating agency for the training and education of the members of affiliates on areas of common interest.

Over the years since its formation, the TUF has engaged in building solidarity among its affiliates, building capacity within the trade union movement, providing advice to its affiliates, leading salary negotiations on behalf of public Servants in St. Lucia, organizing public education activities and advocating on workplace and national issues. The Federation has organized several Labour Day (May Day) activities to recognize and celebrate the tremendous contribution of workers to national development.